Search Results
October 22nd, 2009: Select Committee Hearing, "Building U.S. Resilience to Global Warming Impacts"
Building U.S. Resilience to Global Warming Impacts
June 18th, 2009: Select Committee Hearing, "Global Warming's Growing Concerns"
Climate Change Legislation, Panel 1
December 19th, 2007: Select Committee Hearing, "The UN's Influence on Climate Change Policy"
Jan. 15, 2009 - A Hearing on "The U.S. Climate Action Partnership" (Part I)
Velazquez Opening Statement 4 29 09
April 29th, 2008: Select Committee Hearing, "Global Warming Effects on the Oceans"
July 10th, 2008: Select Committee Hearing, "Global Warming Effects on Extreme Weather"
November 1st, 2007: Select Committee Hearing, "Wildfires and Global Warming"
June 25th, 2008: Select Committee Hearing, "National Security Implications of Global Climate Change"
Ranking Member Sensenbrenner Delivers Statement on Adaptation